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Unlocking Financial Stability: The Power of Alternative Investments

Written by Team Worthy | May 28, 2024

Traditional investments are great, but for true financial security, explore the world of alternative investments. This article dives into how investing outside of "Wall Street" can diversify your portfolio, reduce risk, and potentially boost returns. We'll cover everything from equity crowdfunding to real estate, helping you unlock a path to greater financial stability.

The Power of Community Capital

Alternative investments, such as equity crowdfunding and investing in private credit, have gained popularity in recent years. Unlike traditional investments, where people invest in publicly traded companies, private market opportunities allow individuals to invest in private companies (including mature ventures and startups), as well as private credit (loans made to businesses or real estate developers for instance). This form of investment not only provides individuals with the opportunity to support and be a part of innovative ventures but also potentially offers higher returns on investment.

By pooling together capital from a large group of retail investors (aka "crowdfunding"), this enables individuals and companies access to the funding they need to grow and expand their businesses. Through this collective effort, investors can contribute to the success of these ventures and potentially benefit from their growth in the long term - especially because much of the financial growth in a company happens while it is still private.

The power of community capital lies in the ability to support local investments, drive innovation, and diversify beyond traditional markets.

The Importance of Diversification in Investment Portfolios

Diversification is a fundamental principle in investment portfolios, and alternative investments play a crucial role in achieving this. Traditional investments, such as stocks and publicly traded bonds, are often correlated, meaning their values tend to move in the same direction (so if there is a shock to the public markets, they both can drop). This correlation can result in increased volatility and potential portfolio losses during market downturns.

Introducing alternative investments, which are not correlated to traditional assets, helps to reduce portfolio risk and enhance stability.

By diversifying investments across different asset classes, such as real estate, private markets, and precious metals, for example, investors can reduce their exposure to market fluctuations and potentially achieve more consistent returns over time. The importance of diversification lies in the ability to mitigate risk and protect the overall portfolio from significant losses.

Types of Alternative Investments

There are several types of alternative investments that investors can consider when diversifying their portfolios:

  • Equity Crowdfunding: This involves investing in private companies or startups by purchasing their stock. It allows individuals to support innovative ventures and potentially earn high returns on investment by "getting in" early on the company growth.
  • Real Estate: Investing in real estate, such as residential or commercial properties, provides diversification and potential income through rental payments and property value appreciation.
  • Fractional Investing in real-world items: This allows investors to own a fraction of an asset, such as artwork, collectibles like wine, sneakers, or real estate. It provides access to investment opportunities that may be otherwise unaffordable (in case your budget doesn't allow you to buy a whole Picasso!)
  • Cryptocurrency:  Digital money that can be traded as an investment. You can buy the crypto directly through an exchange, or invest via an Exchange Traded Fund ("ETF").

These alternative investments offer investors a range of options to diversify their portfolios and potentially earn attractive returns outside of traditional asset classes.

Benefits of Including Alternative Investments in a Portfolio

Including alternative investments in a portfolio can provide several benefits:

  • Diversification: Alternative investments offer a way to diversify beyond traditional stocks and bonds, reducing portfolio risk and enhancing stability.
  • Potential Higher Returns: Some alternative investments, such as equity crowdfunding and real estate, have the potential to generate higher returns compared to traditional assets.
  • Access to Unique Opportunities: Alternative investments provide access to investment opportunities that may be unavailable in traditional markets, such as investing in startups or owning fractional shares of unique assets.
  • Inflation Hedge: Certain alternative investments, such as real estate and precious metals, can act as a hedge against inflation, preserving purchasing power over time.

While there are challenges associated with alternative investments - like some investments can't be easily sold and some may have more risk than traditional stocks - by including alternative investments in a portfolio, investors can potentially enhance their overall returns and reduce the impact of market volatility.

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Strategies for Incorporating Alternative Investments in Diversified Portfolios

When incorporating alternative investments in diversified portfolios, investors can consider the following strategies:

  • Set Clear Investment Objectives: Define specific investment goals and objectives for including alternative investments in the portfolio - like what sort of returns and liquidity are you looking for? This will help in selecting the most suitable types of alternative investments.
  • Allocate a Portion of the Portfolio: Determine the appropriate allocation of the portfolio to alternative investments based on risk tolerance, investment horizon, and overall financial goals. It is important to strike a balance between traditional and alternative assets.
  • Conduct Due Diligence: Thoroughly research the alternative investments being considered, including the underlying assets, investment structure, track record of the investment manager, and potential risks. Seek professional advice if needed.
  • Regular Monitoring and Review: Continuously monitor the performance of alternative investments and their impact on the overall portfolio.

By following these strategies, investors can effectively incorporate alternative investments into their portfolios and potentially benefit from their diversification and return potential.